
Sculptra® is a unique facial volumizer that stimulates production of your own collagen to make your skin and soft tissues look fuller, younger, and healthier.  Sculptra® has been used with great success since 2004 when it was FDA approved. Sculptra® is made from a biodegradable material which has been used in the body for decades and is one of the materials used to make dissolving sutures. 

How does it work?

Once Sculptra® is injected, over time, it works by stimulating collagen production in the skin and restoring some of the volume that has been lost with age. Results are gradual and, depending on the level of improvement desired and the severity of the problem, up to 3-4 treatments may be needed to achieve the desired results. The Sculptra® treatment sessions are typically spaced 6-8 weeks. The results of Sculptra® typically last stay as much as 2 to 3 years.

Convenient & Natural

Many of the visible signs of facial aging are due to the loss of volume and elasticity that comes with the breakdown of collagen. This is a natural part of the aging process, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept it! Patients of Bayou City Dermatology can achieve beautiful, natural-looking correction of wrinkles, lines, and folds by replacing lost volume with injectable dermal fillers. At one of our convenient dermatology centers, lost collagen can be replaced with any of the major dermal fillers including Sculptra®, and FDA-approved injectables designed to help replace lost collagen.


Frequently Asked Questions


What Is Sculptra®?


Sculptra® Aesthetic is made from poly-L-lactic acid which is a synthetic substance that has been shown to be both biocompatible and biodegradable and has been safely used by physicians for many years in surgical sutures. It is used to add volume to the face by replacing collagen that has been lost with age. Unlike other dermal fillers, Sculptra® treatment is a gradual process, with results that emerge over several months. Sculptra® acts as a stimulatory volumizing agent, meaning that it actually stimulates your body to create new collagen and thicker, more youthful skin.


How Is Collagen Regenerated?


Sculptra® targets the underlying causes of facial aging. It begins to work within the deep dermis, where your skin’s structure is reinforced and helps to replace lost collagen. This reinforced collagen structure provides a foundation that gradually restores the look of fullness of your shallow to deep facial wrinkles and folds that have depleted over time.


How are Sculptra® results?


Sculptra® results are typically subtle and very natural yet can make you look years younger by restoring healthy volume and fullness to the face. When facial volume is restored, there is a very natural 'lifting' of the face that results. The results occur gradually, over a number of months, but persist for years.


Where in the face can Sculptra® be injected?


Sculptra® is typically injected in regions of the face in need of volume such as the upper cheeks, temples, lower cheeks, and jawline. Sculptra® injections are performed in the office by a trained medical professional.


Do Sculptra® Injections Hurt?


Topical numbing medication and icing before helps with improved patient comfort. Many patients find Sculptra® injections feel more pressure than pain.


How Long Does Sculptra® Last?


One treatment of Sculptra® can last well over a year depending on the patient’s absorption rate. Studies have shown for patients with moderate to severe volume loss who have had an average of three injection sessions over a few months, results can last more than 2 years.

Schedule with us today

If you are looking for an experienced team of dermatologists, please contact Bayou City Dermatology today.

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