
Crow’s feet, forehead lines and furrows between the brows develop after years of smiling, laughing and frowning. Dysport works by temporarily easing the muscles that are causing your wrinkles, creating a smooth and relaxed overall appearance.

What is Dysport?

Dysport is a cosmetic muscle relaxer similar to Botox, using the same active ingredient of botulinum toxin type A. Like Botox, it treats aging skin by temporarily paralyzing specific facial muscles, preventing them from contracting and thus producing unsightly wrinkles. expertly targeting the precise muscles responsible for your wrinkles, while preserving your ability to move your face and express yourself naturally. In fact, our ability to deliver results that never look frozen is one of the reasons why we’ve developed a reputation for providing among the best Dysport Houston has available.

a younger and more serene appearance

The Main Goal Of Dysport

Within two to seven days after your Dysport injections, you will begin to see a visible improvement in the appearance of your wrinkles. Depending on the areas you had treated, you can expect wrinkles around your eyes and forehead to be dramatically reduced, producing an overall smoother and more relaxed facial expression.
Houston's Finest
We specialize in tasteful Dysport injections. That means, in addition to looking extremely natural, you will also still be able to move your face with ease. Though individual outcomes will vary, many of our clients still see noticeable results three to six months after their initial procedure, at which point a maintenance visit is required to maintain your youthful new look.

Frequently Asked Questions


What can I expect during Dysport injections?


Our highly trained specialists are experts at administering Dysport to produce an extremely natural and youthful result that preserves your ability to move your face with ease. During your initial consultation, we will carefully evaluate your signs of facial aging as a whole, before composing a custom treatment plan designed to treat the precise areas that will result in a more relaxed expression.During the actual injections, we will use an ultra fine needle to administer small amounts of Dysport directly into the muscles that are contributing to your wrinkles. The entire procedure only takes about ten minutes and will be virtually pain-free, with our clients reporting very minimal discomfort at most.


Is Botox Cosmetic Safe?


Although Botox is derived from a toxin, the small amount of formula used in anti-wrinkle injections are considered safe. The risk of injections is minimal when administered by a qualified professional. However, there are possible side effects and risks that should be understood prior to treatment.


Does it hurt?


Typically no anesthetic is needed for Dysport injections. A small amount of Botox is administered using a very fine needle. Most patients experience very minimal discomfort. Anesthetic creams and special cooling devices are available to increase your comfort.


Is there any downtime associated with the treatment?


As there is virtually no downtime associated with Dysport injections, you will be able to resume your normal activities immediately. However, you will be advised to avoid strenuous exercise and laying down immediately after your treatment to ensure an optimal result.


Am I a candidate for Dysport?


We only administer treatments if it’s truly in the client’s best interest. As such, we determine candidacy for all of our procedures on an individual basis, following a thorough discussion of your cosmetic goals, concerns and desires. However, most individuals are considered to be candidates for Dysport if they wish to treat moderate to severe wrinkles around the forehead and eyes without undergoing an invasive surgical procedure.It’s important to note that individuals who have an allergy to cow’s milk or have experienced a prior allergic reaction to Botox or any other botulinum toxin products are not considered to be candidates for Dysport injections.


What is the recovery like from Dysport?


In general, no recovery time is needed. Dysport treatments may be administered during a lunch break. You will be instructed not to rub the treated area for a couple of hours after the treatment. It is also a good idea to try to 'exercise' the treated muscles for the first few hours following the treatment, as this will increase the effectiveness of the Dysport treatment.

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If you are looking for an experienced team of dermatologists, please contact Bayou City Dermatology today.

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