Comprehensive Guide to Eczema Management: From Diagnosis to Long-Term Control

Eczema is a common skin condition that, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, affects nearly 1 in 10 Americans. This number rises to 1 in 5 in children under the age of 18. 


Eczema is a common skin condition that, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, affects nearly 1 in 10 Americans. This number rises to 1 in 5 in children under the age of 18. 

You might also hear eczema referred to as “atopic dermatitis”. This is the most common type of the condition. While very mild eczema can be treated at home, most cases will require the expertise of an eczema treatment specialist.

Eczema (AKA Atopic Dermatitis) 101

  • What is eczema (atopic dermatitis)?
  • Eczema in children vs. eczema in adults
  • Consulting an eczema treatment specialist

What is eczema (atopic dermatitis)?

Eczema is an umbrella term for a group of skin conditions. There are several types, but atopic dermatitis is by far the most common. Eczema has a variety of symptoms, such as:

  • A skin rash.
  • Itchy skin.
  • Bumps on the skin.
  • Crusty, flaky skin patches.
  • Leathery, thickened patches of skin.
  • Swelling.

There can also be discoloration. For those with darker skin, it might appear gray, brown, or purple. In lighter skin tones it can look red, pink, or purple. Symptoms usually aren’t constant. When they appear, this is known as an eczema flare-up.

While eczema can appear anywhere on the body, it’s most commonly found on the:

  • Hands.
  • Elbows.
  • Feet.
  • Ankles.
  • Knees.
  • Face.
  • Neck.
  • Lips.
  • Ears.

Less often it can affect the genitals.

Causes include an over-reactive immune response, the environment, and emotional triggers (stress). It can also be genetic.

There is no cure for eczema but there are many successful methods of treating it.

Eczema in children vs. eczema in adults

While the condition can occur at any age, adults tend to get more skin symptoms on the head, neck, and hands. The condition can, and often does, present differently in adults. There is also a strong link between adult anxiety/depression and eczema—especially in older adults with multiple medical conditions. This is one important reason that it’s vital to seek treatment from an eczema treatment specialist at the earliest opportunity.

Diagnosing eczema in children is also important. Infection from scratching at lesions can be avoided with the correct prompt intervention. This is especially crucial in babies and toddlers who’ve yet to understand why they shouldn’t scratch at an affected area.

Consulting an eczema treatment specialist

Eczema treatment specialists are highly trained skin doctors (AKA dermatologists) who take a special interest in diagnosing and treating the condition. There are many different options available to reduce and manage the symptoms—and more are continually being developed each year.

For this reason, consulting an eczema treatment specialist, as opposed to a regular physician, is key to good management. Some of the methods used include:

  • Applying topical medications, such as OTC or prescription moisturizers.
  • Oral medication, including anti-inflammatories, steroids, and antihistamines.
  • Light therapy.
  • Keeping a diary to understand triggers.

Cutting-edge medications continue to be developed, with some of the latest ones proving incredibly successful at reducing the frequency of eczema flare-ups and only needing intermittent use. An eczema treatment specialist will be fully up to date with the latest treatment options. 

For those with chronic, moderate to severe symptoms, a specialist may also have access to trial and research drug testing, something that has led to many of the latest medications being given FDA approval.

Need an Eczema Treatment Specialist? Contact Bayou City Dermatology Today

Our eczema treatment specialists are highly trained and proficient in the latest, cutting-edge options for diagnosing and managing the condition. Whether you’re worried about your child’s skin, are an adult with eczema, or have developed the condition later in life, we’re here to help.

Living with eczema can be challenging, but with the right care and approach it needn’t be debilitating. 

Don’t delay. Visit today and get in contact. The sooner you take preventative steps, the quicker you’ll be on the road to recovery.