How Long Does Body Contouring Last?

Body contouring is a wholly bespoke treatment that’s tailored to your needs.


Body contouring is a wholly bespoke treatment that’s tailored to your needs. As the name suggests, the treatment is all about honing those last lovely lines, creating the contours that put the finishing touches on the body that you’re working towards.

It’s used to target stubborn areas of fat, bulges, loose skin, and cellulite. To fully understand how long the results last, we need to delve a little deeper into the science of the treatment. 

How Long Does Body Contouring Last and Other FAQs

  • An overview of body contouring
  • How long does body contouring last and the factors that affect it
  • Is body contouring right for me?

An overview of body contouring 

Body contouring is the term that’s reserved for non-surgical fat reduction. In some cases, more invasive procedures might mistakenly be lumped under a similar banner—such as liposuction. However, in the world of aesthetics, the correct definition is the removal of fat and/or skin tightening that’s achieved without breaking the integrity of the skin.

You might also hear it referred to as body sculpting or contour body sculpting. 

Body contouring uses either radio frequencies, heat, or freezing to remove fat cells. It’s not suitable for extensive fat reduction. Instead, it’s used to spot target areas that don’t reduce, despite exercise and diet.

The process can remove fat in areas, such as the: 

  • Thighs
  • Abdomen
  • Upper arms
  • Back
  • Hips
  • Knees
  • Calves
  • Butt
  • Bra area
  • Love handles

There are different types of body contouring processes, each using a unique method to target and remove fat cells. 

  • Cryolipolysis: This uses intense cold to freeze and kill the fat cells. A special tool is used to target the area, causing the fat to crystallize. Over the following weeks and months, the body’s natural drainage system will gradually flush the fat away. 
  • Radio-frequency fat removal: This works in the opposite way to cryolipolysis, in that highly targeted electromagnetic energy and radio frequency heat the fat cells and the muscles that surround them. This causes thousands of tiny muscle contractions. Not only does this damage the fat cells to the extent that the body removes them, but it also causes the muscles to tone at the same time. A win-win situation, we think you’ll agree…
  • Ultrasound fat reduction: A great option if you also have skin that needs firming, ultrasound waves are extremely effective at both fat and cellulite removal. It can also be used to tighten facial skin areas.

While these are the three main methods used for body contouring, it’s also worth mentioning one more that’s used to treat a double chin. Known as “injection lipolysis”, the doctor will inject the area with deoxycholic acid to destroy the fat cells.  

Because this does, technically, cause a break in the integrity of the skin, it can’t be truly called non-invasive. However, it is minimally invasive and rarely causes any side effects. The chance of bruising and/or swelling is little to none—most people can resume their regular activities straight away.

How long does body contouring last and the factors that affect it? 

Now that you understand a little more about the different methods of non-invasive body contouring, let’s talk a little about how long the effects last.

All the above methods permanently remove fat cells. In general, you can expect anything from a 25%-90% reduction in the weeks and months following the treatment. Exactly how much you lose depends on the type of body contouring treatment and the individual. 

However, while fat won’t return to the cells that’ve been treated, it can return if you put on a significant amount of weight.

There’s plenty you can do to ensure that the results of your body contouring treatment/s remain successful in the long term. These include: 

  • Eating a healthy diet high in vegetables, fruit, protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats.
  • Regular exercise. While this can, if you like, include more intense sessions, the American Heart Association’s recommendation of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise is more than sufficient.
  • Drinking plenty of water.
  • Having a healthy sleep pattern and getting enough sleep.

In essence, body contouring is extremely effective and can last indefinitely—if you follow a healthy lifestyle. 

Is body contouring right for me?

Body contouring is not a process that’s used to target excessive weight loss needs. If you have a lot of weight to lose, you’ll first need to follow a weight-loss diet and appropriate exercise. 

However, if—despite your best efforts—you have stubborn areas of fat that simply won’t go away (no matter how good your diet and exercise efforts) then body contouring could be just what you need.

Get a Personalized Body Contouring Assessment at Bayou City Dermatology 

At Bayou City Dermatology, our clinical team doesn’t just provide aesthetic treatments – we’re with you for the whole ride. Body contouring longevity is dependent on many factors. That’s why it’s so important to work with a dermatologist who understands your history, goals, and other relevant information.

Our team is proud to offer what we consider the ultimate whole-body approach – and one that leads to the true longevity of the body you desire. 

Discover more at and call today to chat with our friendly team.