how much is a chemical peel?

Chemical peels are a standout way to transform jaded skin into a gorgeously glowing complexion. They’ve been around forever (and we’re not exaggerating—the ancient Greeks and Egyptians were big fans) and are one of the most trusted and proven methods trusted by the best dermatologists.


How Much is a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels are a standout way to transform jaded skin into a gorgeously glowing complexion. They’ve been around forever (and we’re not exaggerating—the ancient Greeks and Egyptians were big fans) and are one of the most trusted and proven methods trusted by the best dermatologists.

The cost of a single treatment can vary wildly. But to understand why this is, we need to delve a little deeper into the latest techniques, the different types, and which will be most appropriate for your complexion and goals. Once that’s understood, it becomes easier to work out the price scale for a chemical peel that targets your specific needs.

All About Chemical Peels?

  • The different types of chemical peel
  • How much is a chemical peel by type?

The different types of chemical peel

Chemical peels come in three main categories, each of which has further sub-categories that are defined by the type of chemicals used. The classifications are light, medium, and deep.

The most commonly performed is the light peel. These are very effective at reducing the first signs of aging, helping to even skin tone, and creating a soft, radiant glow. You might also hear these referred to as AHA, BHA, or PHA peels.

  • AHA peels: Stands for alpha hydroxy acid, of which there are many kinds. Some of the more common ones are malic and citric acid. An AHA peel is a good choice for skin that’s prone to dark spots or breakouts.
  • BHA peels: This acronym stands for beta hydroxy acid, which has antibacterial properties. This makes a BHA peel well-suited to those who suffer from oily skin, as it can help to regulate the overproduction of sebum.
  • PHA peels: A poly hydroxy acid peel that, as the name suggests, is made of more than one type of acid. These are the gentlest of all chemical peels and are suitable for those with more sensitive skin.

Medium peels remove a deeper layer of skin and are most usually performed using a TCA, or trichloroacetic acid.  The solution is mixed according to the aim of the treatment and can only be performed by a medically qualified practitioner. 

A deep chemical peel uses a chemical called phenol. It can only be performed by a doctor and is used for very particular situations. These include the removal of precancerous growths, deeper facial wrinkles, and sun-damaged skin. A local anesthetic and sedative is necessary, as is a pre-treatment plan that usually takes around 8 weeks. 

Light and medium peels are by far the most usual, both of which require a course of treatment. The best providers create bespoke plans for the ultimate results.

How much is a chemical peel by type?

As you can now better understand, it can be complex to provide exact costs for a chemical peel. There are many variables, meaning that the only way to accurately budget is to have a consultation.

As a widely general average, chemical peels cost around:

  • $100 - $300 for a light peel
  • $300 - $1,000 for a medium peel
  • $ 1,000 - $6,000 for a deep peel

Beat the Confusion: Call Bayou City Dermatology for an Immediate Answer to How Much is a Chemical Peel?

While every dermatology provider can present you with a price list (us included) our bespoke treatment plan means every treatment is unique. Our tailored appointments all include a pre-assessment with a medical dermatologist. This ensures that a chemical peel is a) right for you and b) allows you to benefit from our expertise, understand exactly what’s involved, and have an honest appraisal of the expected results.

Don’t worry… Our chemical peel service won’t cost you a penny more than comparable providers. But what it does do is ensure that you’re getting the ultimate treatment to ensure the end result isn’t just great, but that it blows you away!

That’s the Bayou City Dermatology difference… To us, you’re more than just a customer—when you step through our doors, you become a member of our beautiful skin family.

Discover more at and call today for a no-obligation chat.