Is microdermabrasion painful?

The key to great results, pain-free treatment, and the fewest post-microdermabrasion side effects, you need to partner with the best dermatologist.


Is Microdermabrasion Painful? 

Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive treatment that removes the top layers of skin cells, allowing the younger, fresher ones below to shine through. It’s a far more intense exfoliation than you can do at home, so there’s naturally a different sensation during and after treatment.

However, most people don’t consider it to be painful, more an odd feeling, or mildly uncomfortable.

To fully understand how a microdermabrasion treatment feels, knowing a little more about how it's performed will help.

All Your Microdermabrasion Questions Answered

  • Straight up! Does microdermabrasion hurt?
  • What about afterward? Is microdermabrasion painful?
  • How can I reduce any after-treatment sensations?

Straight up! Does microdermabrasion hurt?

OK, so a good microdermabrasion shouldn’t hurt. If it does, something’s very wrong with how the treatment’s being performed.

But… Because it involves blasting the top layers of skin with fine crystals and vacuuming them away, it can’t be done without you feeling something. Most people describe it as a “sanding” sensation, plus you can feel the suction as the dead skin cells are removed. At the very worst, microdermabrasion can cause slight discomfort.

But let’s be very clear about it. Microdermabrasion should not hurt—even if you truly are a sensitive soul.

What about afterward? Is microdermabrasion painful?

Because the top layers of skin have been removed, the nerve endings might be a little more sensitive. This leads to a sensation akin to sunburn or windburn. Again, it’s not really pain—more discomfort. Of course, everyone is unique and responds to nerve stimulation in different ways. What one might describe as mild irritation, another might say it’s a bit painful.

This is because pain is subjective and our response to it is totally individual. But rest assured, even if you do consider it to be a little painful, this will subside over the next 24-48 hours.

How can I reduce any after-treatment sensations?

Your dermatologist will impress upon you the need for robust sun protection after treatment. The underlayers of skin have become exposed, therefore they need to have a good barrier between them and the UV rays. This means that, even if there’s not a shred of sun in the sky, you must, Must, MUST use sun cream as directed.

This not only stops these harmful rays from reaching the skin, but also ensures that you’ll get the best and longest-lasting results possible from your microdermabrasion treatment.

You might also be given special moisturizers. Again, be sure to use them as per your dermatologist’s instructions.

Other top tips for reducing any post-treatment side effects include:

  • Stay out of the sun and heat for a day or two.
  • Hydrate from the inside out—AKA, drink plenty of water.
  • If you’re prone to cold sores, either don’t have the treatment around the lip area or speak to your dermatologist about having some preventative medication before microdermabrasion is performed.
  • Increase the intensity of your moisturizer for a few days. If your skin is normal, consider swapping to one that’s designed for drier skin. But, as a head’s up—if you suffer from oily skin, you’ll probably love that it’s a bit drier for a few days…

Get the Ultimate Treatment and Answers to all Dermabrasion Questions at Bayou City Dermatology

The key to great results, pain-free treatment, and the fewest post-microdermabrasion side effects, you need to partner with the best dermatologist. At Bayou City, you’re in great hands. All our practitioners are medically qualified and have specialized in all things skin related.

Not only do we carry out an in-depth pre-assessment to determine your suitability, but we’ll put your mind at rest and answer all your queries, such as, “Is microdermabrasion painful?” and anything else you want to know.

Head to for more info and call today to book your consultation.