What is a Sculptra Treatment?

Sculptra is a particular type of dermal filler that targets facial volume loss and deep folds—it’s especially effective at reversing the more severe signs of aging.

Sculptra is a particular type of dermal filler that targets facial volume loss and deep folds—it’s especially effective at reversing the more severe signs of aging. It’s a popular choice for those in their 30s, 40s, and 50s but can also be used earlier, perhaps to combat issues caused by the environment, genetics, or lifestyle choices. 

Sculptra Treatment 101: Everything You Need to Know

  • How does Sculptra treatment work?
  • Who is a good candidate for Sculptra?
  • Are there any risks I should know about?

How does Sculptra treatment work?

While Sculptra is an injectable, it’s very different from others that you might be more familiar with. Many of the usual suspects have hyaluronic acid (HA) as the active ingredient. The standout difference with Sculptra is that it uses a synthetically produced component called poly-L-lactic acid. It’s a gel-like substance that, when injected into the tissues, stimulates the body to naturally produce more collagen.

It's the reduced levels of collagen that are one of the greatest contributors to volume loss, deepening wrinkles, nasolabial folds, and other expression lines that give away how many birthdays we might have celebrated.

The clinician injects the Sculptra into the areas that need to be targeted. This is then absorbed naturally over the next few days. As well as stimulating collagen production, it also increases blood flow to the area and promotes the body’s healing process. All of this can have a dramatically positive effect, filling in lines, wrinkles, and plumping out hollowing contours.

Because Sculptra treatment isn’t merely a plumping product that’s gradually reabsorbed over time, it has extraordinary longevity. Many people find that subsequent treatments are only needed after 1-2 years—something that not only makes it simple to fit into an ongoing skin-care regime but also makes it excellent value for money.

While Sculptra is most utilized to improve the signs of aging around facial areas (around the eye, the lines from the nose to the mouth, hollow cheeks, forehead wrinkles, etc.), it can also be used elsewhere, such as the buttocks and the hips.

Who is a good candidate for Sculptra?

Most expert aesthetic clinicians advocate the possible introduction of Sculptra when natural collagen productions begin to significantly diminish. This tends to be from the mid-30s onwards—although everyone’s needs are, of course, unique.

Considerations that might indicate using Sculptra include:

  • The formation of nasolabial folds.
  • Noticeable deepening of forehead wrinkles.
  • Volume loss around the eyes.
  • Chin dimples.
  • Hollowed cheeks.

Other aspects that often influence and increase the rate of aging include:

  • Sun damage.
  • Ongoing exposure to the elements, such as those who work outside in all weathers.
  • Tobacco use.
  • Heavy drinking.
  • Various health conditions.

Genetics also plays a part—some people benefit from youthful-looking skin well into their 40s, 50s, and beyond. Others begin to show signs of aging from their mid-20s onwards.

Sculptra works differently from many other injectables. Results tend to begin to be noticed around four weeks after treatment, with improvement continuing over the following weeks and months. It’s not unusual for the full effects to last well over a year, two years, or even longer.

Are there any risks I should know about?

The risks of Sculptra treatment are minimal, but anyone who undergoes what is essentially an invasive procedure should be aware of the following rare side effects:

  • Swelling: This is usually transient and will fade after a few days.
  • Bruising: Again, tends to diminish days or over a couple of weeks.
  • Itching: If experienced, it’s usually for only hours or—at the most—a day or two.
  • Lumps beneath the skin’s surface: Known as nodules, these may or may not be visible but can be felt. Most disappear over time but in rare cases, severe ones may need surgical removal.
  • Skin discoloration: Again, very rare, but if it does occur it often fades with time.

Sculptra is suitable for most healthy adults aged 18-75. However, the following are contra-indications to treatment:

  • During pregnancy and nursing.
  • In those with autoimmune conditions.
  • For those who take blood thinners (anticoagulants), aspirin, or long-term non-steroidal-anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS).
  • During an outbreak of a rash, acne, or redness.
  • In those known to develop keloid or hypertrophic scars.

Get Expert Advice at Bayou City Dermatology on What is Sculptra Treatment & If it’s Suitable for You

Sculptra is FDA-approved for anyone aged 18 or over. However, it’s not usually appropriate in the earlier decades of life (note the word “usually”—there’s always an exception to the rule). At Bayou City Dermatology, our expert clinicians will assess your skin, the level of volume loss, reduced tissue elasticity, and more to determine the perfect time to introduce Sculptra into your anti-aging regime.

The key to a good understanding of the question, “What is Sculptra treatment?”, and the best results is working with the ultimate skincare clinician—something Bayou City Dermatology delivers to every one of our clients.

Discover more at https://www.bayoucitydermatology.com/cosmetic/sculptra