What Is The Best Anti-Aging Skin Care Routine? 

Great skin care has its basis in our regular at-home routines. When you combine this with carefully chosen professional treatments then it’s possible to remain looking at your very best throughout the decades.

What Is The Best Anti-Aging Skin Care Routine? 

Great skin care has its basis in our regular at-home routines. When you combine this with carefully chosen professional treatments then it’s possible to remain looking at your very best throughout the decades.

The most important aspect of anti-aging is that it’s never too young (or too old) to start. The following discusses the most important elements that should be a part of everybody’s skin care routine.

Tips for the Best Anti-Aging Skin Care Routine 

  • Anti-aging in your 20s
  • Anti-aging in your 30s
  • Anti-aging in your 40s & 50s
  • Anti-aging skin care routine in your 60s and beyond

Anti-aging in your 20s

The most important element of an anti-aging skin care routine in your 20s (or, indeed, at any age) is that of sun protection. Daily use is by far the best thing you can do to prevent sun damage and its associated skin aging effects. 

Drink plenty of water, eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruit and vegetables, and try to keep alcohol consumption to a minimum. Don’t smoke (and if you do, try to give up), and ensure you use good quality skin care products. Be sure to remove makeup at the end of every day with a gentle cleanser and apply a good quality, age-specific moisturizer.

Top tip! Don’t forget your lips. They need a little love as well. 

Anti-aging in your 30s

It’s during this decade that most of us begin to notice the first signs of aging. Fine lines around the eyes and perhaps the appearance of dark circles or bags beneath the eyes.

You should consider all the basics mentioned above (sun protection, plenty of water, healthy diet, low-alcohol, no smoking, etc.). In addition to a great cleansing routine, it’s at this age that moisturizers and products should have more specific active ingredients. These should be targeted towards hydration, as the skin is now at an age where it’s beginning to lose its natural elasticity.

Atit-aging serums are a good call, especially those with antioxidants, peptides, and collagen boosters. Exfoliation is important but be sure not to use anything that’s too harsh. 

Anti-aging in your 40s & 50s

The skin is becoming more fragile, therefore you should pay attention to how you apply products and other elements that can cause trauma. Don’t be overzealous with application—be sure to pat rather than rub. You might want to consider using a satin or silk pillowcase, as there is some evidence that harsher coverings can contribute to the formation of sleep wrinkles. 

Of course, continue with sun protection, water, healthy eating etc. If you’re not already using anti-aging skin products, then you should be now. These might include vitamin C and retinoids. For women, hormonal changes will begin to take effect, and lowered levels of estrogen might result in drier skin. Many decades of sun exposure exacerbates this, with dryness, rough areas, and pigmentation becoming apparent.

You might want to consider treatments, such as microneedling, that can help rejuvenate the skin.

Anti-aging skin care routine in your 60s and beyond 

As you head into the golden years, skin care routines should continue to be focused on anti-aging. As well as using age-related products, the following lifestyle changes can also have positive effects: 

  • Use soft cloths to wash your skin.
  • Use warm, not hot water. The latter strips natural oils that can increase dryness
  • Pat yourself dry but leave a little water on your skin over which you apply moisturizer
  • Use fragrance-free moisturizer multiple times per day

Additional Anti-Aging Considerations 

  • Dermatology procedures to boost anti-aging results

Dermatology procedures to boost anti-aging results

In addition to microneedling, there are other procedures that can help your skin remain youthful throughout your life. You might want to talk to an expert about the following:

  • Chemical peels
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Dermal fillers
  • Photofacial
  • Botox 
  • Ultherapy

As you get older, don’t forget the importance of checks for skin cancer. The risk increases once you pass 50 years, making it imperative to carry out regular self-checks and seeking professional assessment should you be unsure about any area of skin, mole, or lesion.

Considering an Anti-Aging Dermatological Treatment? Contact Bayou City Dermatology 

The most important thing about undergoing a non-invasive skin care procedure is your choice of practitioner. Whether it’s dermal fillers, a chemical peel, microdermabrasion, Botox or anything else, the skill of the professional performing it out will determine the end result. 

At Bayou City Dermatology we don’t simply carry out the ultimate anti-aging treatments, we determine exactly what your goals are and your expectations. Our experienced practitioners will advise and guide as to what you might like to consider, ensuring that you’re delighted with the results—no matter what your age.

Find out more at https://www.bayoucitydermatology.com