Does Botox Help Treat Jaw Clenching?

Jaw clenching and/or teeth grinding can have many unwanted side effects. These range from pain in the jaw and headaches, right through to permanent damage to the teeth or underlying structures of the jaw.

Does Botox Help Treat Jaw Clenching?

Jaw clenching and/or teeth grinding can have many unwanted side effects. These range from pain in the jaw and headaches, right through to permanent damage to the teeth or underlying structures of the jaw.

You may have heard that Botox can be successfully used to combat the condition and you’d be right. This type of treatment is known as “Masseter Botox”. The following discusses everything you need to know about treating jaw clenching with this semi-permanent method.

Jaw Clenching Treatment: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Ask 

  • What is jaw clenching treatment?
  • How successful is jaw clenching treatment?
  • Can anyone have jaw clenching treatment?

What is jaw clenching treatment?

Jaw clenching treatment targets the main muscles that control the movement of the jaw. These are called the masseter muscles. By injecting Botox into the area it’s possible to disrupt the signals from the brain that cause the muscles to contract. This prevents any involuntary clenching that might occur when you’re asleep or under periods of stress.

In the same way that Botox injections can relax muscles in the facial area to decrease fine lines and wrinkles, preventing the masseter muscles from moving both reduces their strength and causes them to shrink. The end result can be a significant reduction and even complete cessation of jaw clenching issues. 

How successful is jaw clenching treatment?

The results are significant, with the vast majority of those treated reporting a dramatic reduction in jaw clenching and teeth grinding. In turn, this reduces or removes the associated symptoms, including: 

  • Tension headaches
  • Tender or painful jaw muscles
  • Poor range of movement in the jaw
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Ear pain
  • Issues with sleeping
  • Other problems associated with temporomandibular joint dysfunction  

Can anyone have jaw clenching treatment? 

Most people are suitable for the treatment, although there are a few issues that would mean it’s contraindicated. These include: 

  • An allergy to cow milk protein
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Having a neuromuscular disorder
  • Having any keloid scars 

When you have your initial assessment with a Masseter Botox practitioner, they will determine your suitability for the process.

Everything Else You Need to Know about Masseter Botox (jaw clenching treatment) 

  • Safety, side effects, and longevity

Safety, side effects, and longevity 

Masseter Botox treatment is extremely safe—tens of thousands of people have it in the US every year. Side effects, if you experience them, are usually mild and clear up after a few days. These include:

  • Mild bruising and/or pain at the injection site
  • Reduced bite strength for a short while
  • Headaches 

In very few cases (less than 0.5% of those treated) the following transient issues might occur:

  • A lopsided smile
  • Facial sagging (caused due to the muscles shrinking more quickly than the overlying skin)
  • Cheek bulging (caused if a part of the muscle fails to be affected by the Botox injections. In such cases, this is easily treated with a further injection a few weeks later).

Jaw clenching treatment takes a few days to begin to work, with most people seeing a dramatic improvement from 10 days post-treatment onwards. On average, a course of Masseter Botox lasts for around 6 months before a repeat session is needed. Over time, this might stretch to 9-month intervals, or the problem might disappear entirely—it all depends on the individual.

Looking for Jaw Clenching Treatment? Contact Bayou City Dermatology Today

At Bayou City Dermatology, our professional and experienced Masseter Botox providers offer the ultimate in jaw clenching and teeth grinding treatment. The success of the treatment is directly impacted by the skill of the person carrying out the injections. At Bayou City, our clinically trained dermatologist specializes in this treatment, meaning you can rest assured that you’ll be in the very best of hands.

Ready to find out more and live a life free from the pain and symptoms of jaw clenching? Visit and get in touch now to book your no-obligation appointment.