

Taking a spa treatment is the most effective way of soothing your nerves and relieving


Superficial radiation therapy (SRT) is designed to treat non-melanoma skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma. Today’s advanced technology means that the SRT route is now a primary pathway for certain types of skin cancer.


Superficial radiation therapy (SRT) is generally covered by most insurance policies. This also includes Medicare plans—although these can be more complex. However, it’s important to get guidance from your insurance company before assuming every aspect will be paid for, as sometimes exceptions apply. 


When it comes to non-surgical facelift enhancements, no one does it better than Bayou City Dermatology.


Our medical team knows a thing or two about stretch marks… We also know the ultimate treatment options that can fade or remove them altogether.


The most common forms of dermatitis are categorized into three main groups (atopic, seborrheic, and contact).


Moles can affect anyone at any time of life. They can be large, small, different colors, and appear on any part of the body.


Warts are very common and are generally harmless. However, they can sometimes cause discomfort or appear in places where you’d rather they weren’t, such as on your face, neck, hands, or other exposed areas.


The key to getting the best treatment for rosacea is to seek advice from a dermatologist. This is a medical doctor who’s specialized in treating the skin.


Botox and fillers have a varying lifespan that’s unique to the individual. But it’s generally agreed that how long they’ll last for you has at least some bearing on your metabolism. So what does this mean? Can you work out whether this will equate to an overly short or long period and, very importantly, can you do anything about it?


Ingrown hairs are painful and unsightly. So how can you treat them? Even more importantly, is there anything you can do to lessen the risk of them occurring? Thankfully, you can treat the condition and yes, there are many things you can do to help prevent them in the future.


Beard ruff, or beard dandruff, is a common issue—especially if you’re new to the joys of growing facial whiskers. Some people find it’s more of an issue during the colder months, although some suffer year-round,


The body is a dynamic system. Look after the base product—AKA, your health—and this will directly impact the appearance of your skin.


Aaargh! You’ve got yet another ingrown hair. While not a serious condition, they can cause irritation, pain, and can be unsightly while any redness and swelling slowly diminishes. 


Spider veins are a common problem that affects both men and women. They’re easily treatable and, in most cases, don’t represent any serious health problems. However, they can get worse over time, sometimes causing pain and other issues.


We all love the sun. Not only does it give us a healthy glow, but exposure allows our bodies to create vital vitamin D and for various chemical reactions within the brain to occur, giving us that wonderful “feel good” factor.


A chemical peel is a wonderful treatment for many skin-improvement needs. From anti-aging to treating acne scars, this non-surgical procedure is an excellent option for all ages.


Acne can be a debilitating condition and it doesn’t only happen during the teenage years—it can strike at any time of life. Adults who’re affected won’t necessarily have had acne when they were younger.


Without stating the obvious, birthmarks are something many of us have put up with since we came into this world.


Excessive sweating can be a life-altering condition. The medical name for the condition is hyperhidrosis. It can affect the whole body or just certain areas, such as beneath the armpits, the hands, feet, and the groin area.


Cellulite is the uneven, bumpy appearance of the skin, typically found on larger fleshy areas, such as the thighs, buttocks, tummy, and hips. It’s often described as looking somewhat like orange peel.


Jaw clenching and/or teeth grinding can have many unwanted side effects. These range from pain in the jaw and headaches, right through to permanent damage to the teeth or underlying structures of the jaw.


Anyone can get stretch marks, no matter what their age or gender. There are many reasons they form, with some of the most common including pregnancy or significant weight change.


Ultherapy, or—as it’s often referred to—a non-surgical facelift, is something that has been around since 2015. It’s the only FDA-cleared procedure that can lift the skin on the face, neck, and decolletage without any surgical procedures.


Dermatology is a clinical skill that requires a medical doctor or qualified healthcare professional to provide. A dermatologist will have undergone intensive medical training before specializing in the treatment of all skin conditions.


Cellulite is often thought of as an issue affecting only women. However, men can also suffer, although it is less common.


Pregnancy acne is a pretty descriptive title for this common problem—it’s acne that appears at some point during the pre or post-partum period.


Spider veins, also known as thread veins or—to give them their clinical title, telangiectasia varicose veins—are usually harmless, yet can be unsightly.


Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that affects around 3% of adults in the US. One of the symptoms is that of raised red ‘plaques’ on the skin that can cover large areas.


Moles are common—most of us have many all over our bodies. However, on rare occasions, moles can become cancerous and require prompt treatment.


Skin tags are something that the majority of people suffer from at some point in their lives, although most people notice them appearing from middle age onwards.


Hand rashes can take many forms but one of the most common reasons is that of a condition known as contact dermatitis.


Pimples and spots are something that blights many of our complexions. While acne is often presumed to be a condition that only affects teenagers, nothing could be further from the truth.


Psoriasis is a skin condition that ranges from being a mild inconvenience to having a major impact on a person’s quality of life.


Acne is bad enough at any time of year. But come the summer months, many find the condition deteriorates further.


Who doesn’t want youthful skin? Along with well-proven advice, such as sun protection, a good cleansing and moisturizing regime, high-quality skincare treatments, and—the habit that underlines them all—drinking plenty of water, it seems there may be another to add to the list: regular aerobic exercise.


We all love to feel the sun on our skin—in fact, a lack of it can cause a variety of health problems, including a vitamin D deficiency. However, as we all know, skin damage caused by UV rays can lead to many issues.


Adult acne often shares some of the same causes of that seen in adolescence, although this isn’t always the case.


Everyone has moles, with most being no cause for concern. However, skin cancer affects around one fifth of all Americans and is the most common cancer in the country.


Mohs micrographic surgery is the most precise and highly effective surgery that most commonly treats basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamos cell carcinoma (SCC).