How Effective Is Superficial Radiation Therapy for Basal Cell Carcinoma?

Superficial radiation therapy (SRT) is designed to treat non-melanoma skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma. Today’s advanced technology means that the SRT route is now a primary pathway for certain types of skin cancer.

Superficial radiation therapy (SRT) is designed to treat non-melanoma skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma. Today’s advanced technology means that the SRT route is now a primary pathway for certain types of skin cancer. This is determined by where on the body the diseased tissues are, the age of the patient, other concurrent medical conditions and, if appropriate, also driven by personal choice. 

Superficial Radiation Therapy for Basal Cell Carcinoma

  • A brief overview of SRT
  • SRT treatment for basal cell carcinoma
  • Basal cell carcinoma success rates with SRT

A brief overview of SRT 

Superficial radiation therapy uses low-energy X-rays to target cancerous cells. This destroys the DNA, preventing them from multiplying and spreading.

SRT is carried out using a portable machine that fires an extremely precise dose exactly where it’s needed. This only penetrates the skin a few millimeters, leaving the tissues below untouched. Depending on the size, location, and depth, patients generally require between 5-20 sessions to eliminate the cancer.

It’s not painful and each session only takes a few minutes. The skin may become red and sore afterward—this severity of this depends on the dose and number of treatments needed.

SRT treatment for basal cell carcinoma

This non-invasive treatment option is generally used for early-stage skin cancers. This includes both basal cell and squamous cell. It can also be used on potentially precancerous lesions, known as actinic keratoses (AK).

Basal cell carcinoma is a non-melanoma cancer. It’s the most common kind of skin cancer, with around 80% of all diagnoses falling into this category.

SRT technology has advanced dramatically in the past few years. The mechanics that deliver the treatment are now smaller and portable, meaning that dermatologists who specialize in skin cancer treatment can have them in-house. The treatment is also far less likely to leave a scar, making it hugely appropriate for skin cancers in visible areas, such as the face. It’s also a great option for anyone who might have issues with healing, such as:

  • Diabetics.
  • Anyone on blood thinners.
  • Those aged 65 and over.
  • Other medical conditions, such as cardiac or auto-immune issues.

Basal cell carcinoma success rates with SRT

Superficial radiation therapy has some pretty impressive success rates, with figures suggesting that it removes between 84%-98% of those treated.

The key to positive SRT treatment for basal cell carcinoma is early treatment. The sooner a skin cancer is diagnosed, the higher the chances that superficial radiation therapy will work.

This makes regular skin checks one of the most important areas of health that everyone should carry out. This can be done by:

  • Self-checks: Carry out a top-to-toe inspection, looking for any moles or lesions that might have appeared or altered in shape, size, color, or. symmetry. Use the acronym A, B, C, D, E as a guide. (Asymmetry, Border, Color, Diameter, Evolving).
  • See a dermatologist if you’re concerned: If you have any concerns, see a skin doctor who specializes in skin cancer as soon as possible. They will examine the mole using a special instrument called a dermatoscope. If necessary, they will take a tissue sample for further investigation.
  • Have an annual mole check: A yearly professional check is as important as regular dental care, eye examinations, and other critical healthcare exams.

The crucial takeaway is that the earlier a basal cell carcinoma is discovered, the more likely you’ll be to a) be suitable for SRT and b) it will be successful.

Get the Ultimate Superficial Radiation Therapy at Bayou City Dermatology

We have a variety of options for treating non-melanoma skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma, at Bayou City. Cutting-edge SRT is one of these and, when used appropriately, has an extremely high success rate.

We lead the way in skin cancer dermatology treatment, with SRT often being a preferred way forward – especially in highly visible areas (such as on the face). 

Don’t worry a moment longer. Find out more at and call our team today to book an appointment.