Ingrown Hair Treatment and Prevention

Ingrown hairs are painful and unsightly. So how can you treat them? Even more importantly, is there anything you can do to lessen the risk of them occurring? Thankfully, you can treat the condition and yes, there are many things you can do to help prevent them in the future.

Ingrown Hair Treatment and Prevention

Ingrown hairs are painful and unsightly. So how can you treat them? Even more importantly, is there anything you can do to lessen the risk of them occurring? Thankfully, you can treat the condition and yes, there are many things you can do to help prevent them in the future.

The following is your ultimate guide to ingrown hair treatment and prevention, so read on and take action today! 

All About Ingrown Hairs 

  • What is an ingrown hair?
  • Why do you get ingrown hairs? 

What is an ingrown hair?

An ingrown hair is exactly as the name suggests—a hair that fails to grow upwards and out of the skin. Instead, it either fails to leave the skin entirely or does so briefly before curling back down and re-entering. The result is the same—a raised, red, itchy spot that you may or may not have a visible hair inside. In some cases, ingrown hairs can become infected and painful. In this case, signs of infection will be apparent, such as heat, pus, and/or an increasing red area around the ingrown hair.

Why do you get ingrown hairs? 

The main reason ingrown hairs occur is due to shaving and other hair removal techniques. If you have curly or coarse hair, the risk increases further. Plucking, waxing, epilating, and threading are also risks for ingrown hairs. 

The most common places ingrown hairs occur are: 

  • Around the groin
  • The armpits
  • On the legs
  • The back
  • The chest
  • The face and neck 

If you pull the skin taut when shaving or plucking, you also increase the risk. This is because you then remove the hair below the skin level, giving it the perfect opportunity to grow into the skin. 

Treatment and Prevention of Ingrown Hairs 

  • Ingrown hair treatment
  • Ingrown hair prevention 

Ingrown hair treatment 

Ingrown hairs can usually be treated at home. The exception to this would be a chronic problem or hairs that become severely infected. Pain, heat, swelling, and redness would indicate an ingrown hair that might need a little more treatment than you can safely do at home. 

For minor ingrown hairs, the following will usually be enough to treat the problem:

  • Bathe the area with a mild antiseptic to reduce the chances of infection
  • Use an over-the-counter painkiller to reduce symptoms
  • Speak to a drug store to get a cream or lotion to help with the itching

Ingrown hair prevention

Prevention is far better than cure. By far the best way is to stop shaving or using harsh hair removal techniques. If you must shave, wax, exfoliate, or similar, you should do the following:

  • Regularly exfoliate to help prevent ingrown hairs
  • Use products that prepare the hairs for removal, such as shaving creams and gels
  • Only shave wet skin
  • Shave in the direction of hair growth
  • Rinse the razor after each stroke
  • Only use a clean, sharp razor
  • Hold a cooling cloth to the skin after shaving

You could also try an alternative hair removal method, such as a depilatory cream. It’s important not to pick or squeeze any ingrown hair as this can lead to infection and/or damage to the skin.

If you regularly suffer from ingrown hairs, then considering a more permanent method of removing the hair could be well worth it. 

Ready for the Ultimate Ingrown Hair Prevention? Contact Bayou City Dermatology for Permanent Hair Removal 

Permanent hair removal treatments are by far the best way to prevent ingrown hairs. Today’s laser hair removal treatments are non-invasive, pain-free, and extremely efficient. It’s also a very cost-effective method, saving you money over the cost of years of waxing, shaving, epilating, and de-fuzzing that you need to do time and time again. 

At Bayou City Dermatology, our laser hair removal technicians will determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs. Hair type, color, and growth must all be considered to create a bespoke course that brings results.

Discover more about laser hair removal and our other treatment options at