Stretch Marks Treatments Guide

Our medical team knows a thing or two about stretch marks… We also know the ultimate treatment options that can fade or remove them altogether.

Stretch marks appear for many reasons. While childbirth is one of the most obvious, it’s certainly not the only thing that causes them. They affect men as well as women—and many of us are very keen to know how we can get rid of them. 

Thankfully, there’s quite a lot we can do to reduce their appearance. From home remedies to professional applications, we’ve got the ultimate stretch marks treatment guide…

Everything You Wanted to Know about Stretch Marks: Treatments & Remedies Guide

  • What causes stretch marks?
  • Home remedies for stretch marks: a treatment guide
  • Professional remedies for stretch marks: a treatment guide

What causes stretch marks?

Stretch marks are caused when the skin is overly stretched (such as during pregnancy) and then shrinks again fairly quickly. A large increase in weight that’s followed by a similar decrease can also make them appear. Teenagers can also get them following growth spurts.

They’re a form of scarring, caused by a rupture of the elastin and collagen within the skin’s makeup. As it heals, scar tissue can form, which we see as stretch marks.

Home remedies for stretch marks: a treatment guide

Any quick online search will come up with a whole host of so-called natural and DIY stretch mark treatments. The most common include massaging olive oil, vitamin E, almond oil, and cocoa butter into the area. However, there’s no evidence to back up these claims—to put it bluntly, no study has ever shown that these work.

However, you can purchase OTC stretch mark gels, lotions, and creams from a pharmacist that might have an effect if used:

a) early

b) on new stretch marks

b) long-term. In other words, for weeks and months.

Professional remedies for stretch marks: a treatment guide

The only way to guarantee faded or complete removal of stretch marks is through a dermatologist who specializes in the treatment. 

These medical professionals have various topical treatments available to prescribe that might be effective at removing stretch marks. This is often a first-phase approach and includes high-strength hyaluronic acid and tretinoin.

A dermatologist can also carry out minimally invasive procedures that can be extremely effective. These include:

  • Ultrasound
  • Radiofrequency
  • Laser therapy
  • Chemical peel
  • Microdermabrasion

All of these usually require multiple treatments but can be highly effective over time. They’re also proven to be far better at providing a permanent solution to stretch marks than gels, creams, and lotions.

However, you should be aware that most of these treatments come with minor side effects. These include discomfort, reddening of the skin, and potential swelling. Whilst most disappear after a few hours or days, the key is to only allow a board-certified dermatologist to carry out such procedures. These clinicians have an in-depth knowledge of the structure of the skin and how the treatments interact with the dynamics of the body. This allows them to structure the treatments to your individual requirements and attributes. They can also manage your expectations, so you’re fully aware of the expected results before any treatment commences.

In some states, people other than medical doctors are allowed to offer such treatments. You should approach these with extreme caution and satisfy yourself that the practitioner is suitably qualified and experienced to do so. The last thing you need is to undergo a treatment that you intend to enhance your looks but have the complete opposite occur.

Get the Best Stretch Mark Treatments at Bayou City Dermatology

Our medical team knows a thing or two about stretch marks… We also know the ultimate treatment options that can fade or remove them altogether. If you’re looking to understand how you can reduce yours, then you’ve come to the right place.

Our repeat customer rate is extremely high. This is because our clients know they can trust our board-certified dermatologists. Not only is our team incredibly experienced, but we’re pretty awesome in the bedside manner and customer service aspects as well.

Come and see what makes us the go-to provider for those who demand the ultimate in gorgeous skin. 

Head over to to find out more and call our friendly team today to book a consultation.